Saturday, July 27, 2019

Religion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion - Movie Review Example Diana Eck, in her book, â€Å"A new religion America† she talks about the growth of different religions in America. Hindus started their religious life at Boston and carried out the religious norms at the lake â€Å"ganga†. Muslims had started building Mosques, there were Vietnamese and Chinese Buddhists temples built and also the meditation centers at Boston. Looking at this she concluded that a lot to religions have been emerging and not only in Boston but was happening throughout America. Pluralism project was started by Prof. Diana Eck at Harvard with the help of students and colleagues from different places in order to make the map of changing religions and look into towns and cities in order to know how many religions have come across. Many groups are engaged in an effort to make communication among the people from diverse cultural and religious background in order to concentrate on interfaith dialogue and collaboration. Near Golden gate (presidio) interfaith center has been established which has 800 buildings. It was started in 1995 and participates at the United Religions Imitative (It is a worldwide network of organized cooperation circles). It has members in 50 countries representing more than 100 faiths. The president of the center says that the dialogue between the religions is not asking them to change or bring amendments but it is linking them together and is helping in sorting out the matters in a peaceful manner. In 1983 Chicago hosted a world religion conference in which leaders from different religions was the first meeting. Ten years later in 1993 Chicago again hosted such conference. These meeting proved to be a helping point as many people talked to each other and came to know about others opinion. Syed Hussain Nasir, President at the Harvard Islamic Society traveled to Montreal to take part in the international conference that developed as an outgrowth of the

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